Trusted Tattoo Gathering is bringing together some of the best tattoo artists and vendors from around the world to the Ontario Convention Center in Southern California.
- Our Featured Artists are the best on the planet. Bar none!
- There has never been a Tattoo Convention of this magnitude.
- We will have over 100 booths offering world-class tattoos, unique tattoo lifestyle products, and custom artwork.
- Also, we will have 40 booths of unforgettable vendors that you rarely see.
- The show will have tattoo competitions each day that anyone with beautiful tattoos can enter.
- The art fusion contest will show off the artist’s ability to work as a team and create a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork that can be purchased at the end of the show.
- Each day will have a “Surprise Band” for the evening’s entertainment. We won’t post the bands until a week before the show.
We don’t want people coming to the tattoo gathering just for the music. But believe me, the bands are awesome and unforgettable. - The theme of the show will be “One Love”. Everyone is welcome.
We look forward to spending our day with you.